We have a coach in our organization who we would like to show our support for. Coach Gonzalo Cortez, "Coach Gonzo" has coached in our program for two years and he doesn't even have a child playing in the program. He is a special individual giving back to a community that he doesn't even live in.
Coach Gonzo's daughter, Arianna Cortez was born on December 14, 2014 with 2q37 Microdeletion Syndrome. This is a very rare genetic syndrome and at this time, only approximately 100 people have been diagnosed with this world wide. On September 7, little Arianna was flown to Children's Hospital of Milwaukee. As of the most recent update, Arianna is still extremely sick and is fighting for her life.
Let's show our support to Coach Gonzo, his wife Heather and little Arianna. We will be collecting donations during all games Sunday. Coach Gonzo coaches in our organization for the love of football and is making a difference in OUR kid's lives. Let's make a difference for him, Heather and Arianna. Here is the link to the Go Fund Me page if you prefer to make a donation there http://www.gofundme.com/donatetocortezfam.
Thank you,
Your GJB Executive Board