Jr. Bulldog Families,
It looks like we'll be getting some bad weather this weekend so we wanted to remind everyone to sign up for our SMS alerting service. We use an SMS alerting service that you must subscribe to in order to receive these alerts.
Currently there are only a few people signed up for most teams which means many of you will not get last minute alerts. Below is the total number of people signed up for alerts for each team:
- Pac10 Bantam - 6
- Big10 Bantam - 0
- Pac10 Feather - 8
- Big10 Feather - 18
- Pac10 Middle - 4
- Big10 Middle - 4
- Big10 Lightweight - 17
- Varsity - 6
Below are the instructions to subscribe to these alerts:
Pac 10 Bantam - Text PAC10B to 84483 to receive Pac 10 Bantam messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Big 10 Bantam - Text BIG10B to 84483 to receive Big 10 Bantam messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Pac 10 Featherweight - Text PAC10F to 84483 to receive Pac 10 Feather messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Big 10 Featherweight - Text BIG10F to 84483 to receive Big 10 Featherweight Team messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Pac 10 Middleweight - Text PAC10M to 84483 to receive Pac 10 Middle messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Big 10 Middleweight - Text BIG10M to 84483 to receive Big 10 Middle messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Big 10 Lightweight - Text BIG10L to 84483 to receive Big 10 Lights messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Varsity - Text GJBVJV to 84483 to receive Big 10 Heavy messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Flag Red - Text FLGRED to 84483 to receive Flag Red messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Flag Black - Text FLGBLK to 84483 to receive Flag Black messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Flag White - Text FLGWHT to 84483 to receive Flag White messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Flag Blue - Text FLGBLUE to 84483 to receive FLGBLUE messages from Grant Jr. Bulldogs.
Thank you,
Your GJB Executive Board